Heinz insider trading inquiry. SEC in the freeze .

What’s up with the Beanz?

Image by LoopZilla

Image by LoopZilla

First a major take over with a Swiss Brazilian and Warren Buffet , now it’s an insider trading scandal in the making from some options accounts. See the article below to make up your own mind on this.

SEC asks court to freeze accounts in Heinz insider trading inquiry

“Options are a way for investors to bet on the future price of the stock. Traders noticed that the afternoon before the deal was announced, an unusual number of Heinz options contracts – 2,593, to be exact – were bought, particularly betting that the …The Guardian”


 Whatever happens, I still think , even in the cut-throat world of the markets, more emphasis should be made in training and instilling business ethics. The more people try to avoid ethics in how they deal the less of a long their future they have.